For a long time, I haven’t really had any social media accounts associated with my site. I think mainly because I felt like it was one more thing I had to keep up with and I’m already doing a horrible job keeping up with posting here!
Nevertheless, I have created an Instagram account that I’m excited to share with you. I feel like it’s a way to share things a bit faster than writing a post. I hope to share inspiration for your boutique and I hope you find it helpful and fun! 🙂
hello I recently checked your website out really interesting I need all of the help I can get on starting my own fashion boutique line please give me some ideas
Hello, I just stumbled across your website very interesting. I am in the process of getting my own fashion boutique started and wanted some helpful advice from you if that’s possible. Like should I start online first or is it easier to just get a building?? Looking forward to a response thanks in advance 🙂
My question is how do you start figuring out the clothes inventory ? How do you start our handing and know your buying from the right people ? Where do you start to buy ?